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Re: Basic alarm for dummies

Thanks for the info, I saw previous messages about Girder but thought it
was only used for IR remote control.
But it looks like it will do almost everything!

> To put together a purely PC based system, you will need a way of
> the PIR's 'to the PC, - a digital input board.

With the serial plugin it is possible to connect switches to a COM port.
I managed (with some difficulty) to launch a program when a switch
is activated. So it should work with a PIR also.

With a TW7223 and a TWSERIAL on another COM port, it should be
possible to send X10 commands, lights on etc...

Now I need to find a way to dial a number and play a WAV file on the modem.
Any suggestions?

> when (not if) the Win98 PC crashes...

If it would be possible to setup Girder to output something every xx
on the comm port, then I could use this with some electronics as a
When Girder hangs it will reset and restart the PC....
Still learning so don't know if this is possible

Thanks again,

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