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RE: Bleeding SCART! (Was Which AV AMp?)

  • To: "'ukha_d@xxxxxxx'" <ukha_d@xxxxxxx>
  • Subject: RE: Bleeding SCART! (Was Which AV AMp?)
  • From: "BUTLER, Tony, FM" <tony.butler@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 7 Mar 2002 14:28:00 -0000
  • Delivered-to: mailing list ukha_d@xxxxxxx
  • Mailing-list: list ukha_d@xxxxxxx; contact ukha_d-owner@xxxxxxx
  • Reply-to: ukha_d@xxxxxxx

>-----Original Message-----
>From: Keith Doxey [mailto:lists.diyha@xxxxxxx]
>Sent: 07 March 2002 13:44
>To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx
>Subject: RE: [ukha_d] Re: OT: Which AV Amp?
>Many SCART leads will bleed enough of the composite signal onto the
lead to give a colour picture even though it *should* have been Black &
White due >to incorrect selection. Often though, the image will look
the colour is slightly washed out and there may be moire patterning as
Switching to S->Video gives a crystal clear image.

Hmmm...... I'm using a 40-odd quid QED SQUART lead to connect my SKY box to
my amp (can't remember what I use for the video!) so I wouldn't expect any
bleed in that lead.  The amp is a Yamaha DSPA-3090, the flagship in it's
day, so I'd think that should be reasonably good at separation too....
_could_ my TV (a Philips 32" PW9763) be deciding it is composite due
to no
luma being present?

I'll probaby get one of those RGB->S-Video jobbies mentioned on the list
earlier so I can see if there is a big difference in colour quality when I
connect it thru the amp also - though of course, the piccie should be
anyway due to a superior source signal.

Note Keith:  Just in case you are wondering why I am getting this when I
have ordered an RGB KAT5 from you to connect the SKY box to the TV, it is
for when your switch arrives.  I will have SKY RGB direct to TV and SKY
RGB->Svideo to the switch for distributed video as the switch will only
support S-Video.

I though of getting SKY+ for s-video, but it's a bit expensive for what it
offers.  May just settle for TiVO instead (SWMBO permitting!  Initial
discussion on PVR's elicited 'so what?' type responses :( )

Oh, and I mention Sky here instead of my VCR I used in previous examples as
VCR quality is too low really to notice any improvements in piccie quality


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