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RE: OT: (ish) Web publishing question

> but this won't work..

err, it works fine...

> The server:port is just a nicer way of having the different ports
> accesible..

but that's what I'm doing, for the mp3 server for the mail server for mr. house when I've got it sorted :)

> you still need all of the ports open and directed through your

Yes, that's is a problem - esp. for the firewall at work :(

> I have also been looking for a solution to having lost of web
> (Homeseer, IIS, Apache) accesibl from the outside world via a single
> port:80 connection.

It's not going to happen - you (like me) have serveral webservers - they
cannot all listen to the same port as they will all reply when you hit the
common URL, causing anarcy.

My half-fix was to drop the standalone MP3mystic as my mp3 server (ugly,
functional, 10 second install/configue) and moved to RIMPS (pretty, good,
hours) - which runs under my Apache server. Same with the mail server - I
now use SquirrelMail which also runs under Apache.

This still leaves Mister House, VNC and some form of webcam server to be
sorted. Argh!

My 2p.

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