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RE: Re: Neat Little Toy

Ah, cunning - I always thought these things sent the sound digitally down
the USB cable to PC, so there would be an CPU usage hit decoding it - but
they just cheat instead :( The radio is *USB powered* but the sound it just
sent down a cable to the inline on the sound card - so zero CPU hit.
So basically it's a cheapo radio with a power lead wired into the battery
compartment, the speaker removed and an audio out wire replacing it.

To get the audio over the lan you could use something like IceCast or
ShoutCast to compress the audio and then broadcast it over the lan - a copy
of WinAmp running on a PC at the other end of the lan can then decompress
the MP3 stream and let you listen to it!


> Power supplied by USB, so not a lot used there, I have not noticed any
> impact on the CPU useage at all, but this workstation is a 1Ghz Duron
> with 384Mb RAM! Line-In is required the sound card though, I need to
> play with the software when I get home to see if I can access it over
> the LAN.

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