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Re: That was the weekend that was!

So when do we get the vb app then ... :)
----- Original Message -----
From: "Mark Harrison" <Mark.Harrison@xxxxxxx>
To: <ukha_d@xxxxxxx>
Sent: Monday, March 04, 2002 10:07 AM
Subject: [ukha_d] That was the weekend that was!

> Inspired by the "house of HA statistics", Mary and I had a
> programming/installing "overnighter" on friday night, with
the following
> acheived:
> 1: On the server, creation of a mySql database to store HA logs.
> Software used: MySql (already installed)
> 2: Creation of a standalone VB app that listened to HomeVision on the
> serial port, and then wrote events into the MySql database.
> Software used: VB, the MySql OLEDB native driver (which worked first
> time on download), MSCOMM (Microsoft serial port driver)
> 3: Modification of the HV schedule to output in a predefined format,
> serial data that the VB app was expecting.
> Software used: The HV schedule editor
> Then, on Saturday, while Mary was asleep...
> 1: Installation of the latest Apache onto the server
> 2: Installation of the mySQL-recommended PERL with the database
> extensions
> 3: A Perl script that wandered off to the my-SQL database, came up
> the events, and did some basic processing on them, and returned the
> responses in an XHTML page!
> 4: A basic XHTML1.0 website to hang the Perl bits off :-)
> Next steps 1: Add a rather more sophisticated structure to the lookup
> table that converts CODES to events, putting in separate fields for
> room, device, action, and cause (directly triggered by Pronto, macro,
> etc.)
> Next steps 2: Put in an "amber" zone on the firewall, and
move the web
> server out to there, while keeping the database server in green.
> Two-tier web application in multiple zones.
> Funky, heh?
> Mark
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