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What the f*** is going on............

  • To: "UKHA Group" <ukha_d@xxxxxxx>
  • Subject: What the f*** is going on............
  • From: "Brian G. Reynolds" <brian.g.reynolds@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 3 Mar 2002 18:07:24 -0000
  • Delivered-to: mailing list ukha_d@xxxxxxx
  • Mailing-list: list ukha_d@xxxxxxx; contact ukha_d-owner@xxxxxxx
  • Reply-to: ukha_d@xxxxxxx

Hi bear with me on this one............

My set-up.....
I have my server and 2 workstations (not on at this time) connected to a
Belkin 4 port KVM.

On the KVM I am using a 2+ year old 17" Belinea monitor and a Logitech
Cordless KB and mouse (RF type).

I had the server switched on (runs 24/7) and had attached the 4th KVM
monitor cable to an old P166 PC that I was building with W98SE for someone,
the mouse was a comm. port item and the KB was an old DIN plug version
only using the monitor connection from the KVM.

Now the plot..........
I had installed W98SE onto the P166 and was looking for the graphics card
drivers, the PC was ticking along when the monitor suddenly went black, not
unusual but then it went into stand-by mode, strange thought I so I
it off for a reboot.

I then used the KVM to switch over to the Server and the monitor was still
on standby mode!

I looked at the connectors and all was well but still could not see either
operating systems.

I reset the KVM and switched the monitor of and back on, no change.

I thought maybe the monitor had died so I got an old 15" jobbie, no
so I thought it must be the KVM so I tried both monitors straight from the
Server and then the W98 PC, nothing.......

I then removed the KVM totally from the system and connected the
mouse/monitor(s)/KB in turn onto each PC, still nothing, things were not
looking good and I was stumped, time for bed....

This morning I went into the Server BIOS to check the settings, I had
disabled the default video output as I have an ATI AIW PCI graphics card
installed, all looked satis.

I could not get the 17" monitor to work on any PC so I have to assume
it has
died.....I then tried the 15" monitor on the W98 PC and it worked, ah,
getting somewhere, so connected it to the server and still nothing so I
switched the server off and then back on, the monitor displayed satis till
almost logon time then went into standby so I thought the resolution must
too much (normally only 1024 x 768) so I eventually got it to boot to VGA
mode via F8 key but the resolution was only 800x600 so no problem there but
would still not work in a normal boot.

I started in VGA mode and installed Terminal Services and logged in from
another PC using TS Client and reinstalled the driver this worked but when
re-booted the server normally it still only displayed 800x600 so
re-installed the driver from the original CD this now boots into 1024x768
the 15" monitor, not perfect but at least I can see my programs.

During this outage I could not get HV to do anything either by RF or IR
although the lights were on but none flashing when asking it to do
not good, this is not the first time my server has had a problem and locked

So now I am sitting here in the dark, the curtains have just closed, and I
am wondering WHAT THE F*** HAPPENED?

Have anyone of you who are still awake got any idea what caused this? I'm

The only good thing is I took the dog for a long walk and then cleaned my
house a bit and scrubbed my bathroom (see, told you I was desperate...)

Sorry for the long mail but It took a lot of time trying to resolve the



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