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Re: Very OT: Smart Car

> > They're supposed to be really safe.
> >
> I was very impressed with the way it stood up to being rolled.

I've seen photos of a number of them which have gone belly up.  None looked
damaged.  In fact they looked like you could drive them away if you rolled
them back over again!

> > Don't get me wrong, I think it's a great car for use around town,
and it
> > looks nice (IMO).  It's also packed with features, nippy enough,
> > and comfy.
> I hardly ever use mine in town :-) and as for being van-like it is
> a gokart !

I must admit that my test drive was short - they had one bloke in the
showroom, and had to close for my test drive.  That was my initial
impression, but as I am tall (6'3"), it's proably not what everyone

> > I just prefer something fun to drive.  That's just me, and what I
> > like.
> Well I find it fun - but it certainly isn't quick ! however it is very
> around corners,
> and mid-range acceleration is fantastic. It suffers from understeer on
> standard wheels but
> that can also be improved by changing for 195s all round.

Sounds like I needed a longer test drive!

> Reviewers tend to say that it is only good for around town, but it can
> easily hold its own on motorways, and I find it amazingly comfortable.

It was very comfy, and I've been passed by a few on the motorway.  There's
6 speed gearbox, so I imagine revs are low on the motorway.  I'd have gone
for one if the gearbox was more responsive.  As it was, I bought a Ka which
I find much more fun to drive, and has rear seats (which I have used ...

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