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RE: Barcode scanners and Databases

  • To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx
  • Subject: RE: Barcode scanners and Databases
  • From: steve.cooper@xxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 28 Feb 2002 09:07:18 +0000
  • Delivered-to: mailing list ukha_d@xxxxxxx
  • Mailing-list: list ukha_d@xxxxxxx; contact ukha_d-owner@xxxxxxx
  • Reply-to: ukha_d@xxxxxxx

Loads of great ideas on this one Keith, looking down the list there is
nothing in there that would take too much to implement.  With one or two
barcode scanners and a spare Fuji in the Kitchen the whole thing wouldn't
cost much more than about =A310-=A320.  My only concern is that it is
do but on a practical level the extra time scanning in products may be a
bit much for just an automated shopping list.  The killer app on this is
going to be linking it up to the recipe books.

Stu - I'ld be interested in a scanner to give this a try or even 2+ if we
can get to the 100+ pricing.


"Keith Doxey"                                          =
<lists.diyha@btint        To:     <ukha_d@xxxxxxx=
om>                                                                  =
=20>                cc:                          =
Subject:     RE: [ukha_d] Bar=
code scanners  and Databases                                         =
27/02/02 23:55                                         =
Please respond to                                      =
ukha_d                                                 =

Hi Stuart,

I'm definately interested, especially if we can get to the 100 pricing :-)

I notice the company is Zygo. They were the company I bought the TSOP
1838's from for the IR extenders that people built.

I want to do the "shopping list" database as well. With the Fuji
this now
becomes a real possibility. The way I see it working is as follows.....

Our normal scribbled shopping list is usually along the lines of


Not "Beans Heinz 440g". By that I mean we dont specifically go
out for a
particular product but a tin of beans. I see produce being classified along
the following lines



Chicken Breast
500g or small
1kg or large

These would be the types of items within the database. As others have
pointed out, Barcodes vary depending on brand, special offer, bulk pack (eg
4xbeans), price etc. By using a table to join barcodes to items within the
database you can accomodate multiple barcodes per item.

I dont think it is neccesary to store details of the size of a joint of
beef etc, just the fact that you have 2 Beef Joints, 3 Chickens etc, as for
a given family you will always tend to buy the same size, the exception
being when a whopping great joint has been "Whoops'd" at which
point you
buy it and cut it in two anyway or cook it whole and use the leftovers for
sarnies or a curry.

I only want to know there are 4 tins of beans, not that 1 is Heinz and 3
are Asda. By using ASP's and a database you can use the browser as the user
interface. I suggest the following sequence of operations.

Unpack Shopping
Do while not End_Of_Shopping
Hold Item to scanner
Barcode read
If Match found then
Show keypad on touchscreen to enter quantity
X items added to item stock level
(Unknown Barcode)
Show Groups on touchscreen *
Touch "Tinned"
Show products on screen *
Touch "Beans"
Show size/multiple on screen *
Touch "Large"
Show keypad on touchscreen to enter quantity
Barcode assigned against item
X items added to item stock level
(* option to add Groups/products/sizes not in database to
accomodate new items)
End If
sit and watch television

When using items, they are scanned and because the database already has
codes for BrandA, BrandB, BrandC tins of beans the quantity of beans is
decreased by 1.

The issues mentioned by Phil regarding part used items are not much of a
problem (Like him, I tend to finish things!). Scan Beans when removed from
cupboard, wether you use the whole tin or not, you still need to replace
it. Consumables like Flour, Sugar, herbs etc you wouldnt scan everytime you
used them but would press the touchscreen to add a bag/jar to the next
shopping list when you notice the level is getting low, likewise with milk,
eggs etc.

Frozen foods like Burgers, Fish, etc could be added as the pack quantity eg
12 but when removing the burgers you scan the code once for every burger
you remove. The Barcode translation table could have an additional field
for AddQty so scanning a 4pack of burgers would add 4, and 8 pack would add
8, but irrespective of which pack you scanned on the way out you would only
remove one burger. I believe the special offer packs with "50% extra
have different barcodes so when you arrive home with a "4pack"
contains "6" the code would not be recognised so you would add it
Burgers with a multiple of 6.

Meat from the deli would be stored in the database as Deli - Ham and have a
useby date associated with it as would other perishables like Yoghurt etc
which would be entered when adding the item to the database. The
touchscreen could have options for entering any date but also quick touch
buttons for 1-7(or 14) days as stuff from the deli often has a very short
life. Likewise for stuff that has to be used within 3 days of opening eg
prepacked meat/pate etc, scan it as you open it and the 3 days starts NOW.

fields can be added for "MinQty" and "OrderQty" so
having less than 2
bottle of Diet Coke would automatically add 8 to the shopping list. Setting
up the initial database would take a little time, but once up and running
would require little upkeep apart from correcting stock level when you
forgot to scan something or adding items to the database for new products.

inventory of >33000 lines with the average store stocking about 23000 of
them. Most people probably only ever buy a couple of hundred (so why are
the things I want always sold out??). Once your shopping list is available
you add to database when you get home are deleted fromthe shopping list and
anything you couldnt get would remain for the next trek to the supermarket.

Once you have the food in the database then the next thing is to add the
recipies so that you can choose meals from what is available.....or use the
touchscreen to order a Pizza over the Internet :-)

So..... am I just a Krazy Web Database developer or does this sound like
the kind of thing others are interested in doing?

Krazy Keith :-)

PS. Yes Mark, if I get this working I will send you the code :-)

-----Original Message-----
From: Stuart Poulton [mailto:swp@xxxxxxx]

I notice that there is a discount as follows

Number      1      10+      100+
Cost =A3      20      12.45      6.10

If anyone is interested then perhap a bulk buy is in order that I'm
willing to handle, costs above exclude VAT


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