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RE: [ slightly OT ] 1-wire hubs


I guess I should take this response off list but just a quick note.  The
reason for the hub is to minimise ghosting across the 1-wire.  It uses
1-wire based switching to segregate the 1-wire stubs from each other.  Check
out the website if you get a chance.


-----Original Message-----
From: Frost Neil [mailto:Neil.Frost@xxxxxxx]
Sent: Monday, June 17, 2002 4:32 PM
To: 'ukha_d@xxxxxxx'
Subject: RE: [ukha_d] [ slightly OT ] 1-wire hubs

I'm currently playing with the DS18S20 sensors daisy changed, to measure the
temperature in each room, the software updates a text file for each room and
a webpage picks up and interprets the data to give current temp, max and
min. Still working on that though (If anyone can help with filtering arrays
after being read from a text file using the filesystem object, feel free to
contact me off list, alternatively I can supply some code).

Surely though, the whole point of 1 wire is it is just that so If you wanted
a hub, you'd get some surface mount RJ45 sockets on a PCB/bread board,
connect the wires in series, have an output RJ45 socket, job done? Why would
you need the extra bits if all you want to do is fancy daisy chaining????

Just a thought, I don't know enough about electronics and stuff (who said
they noticed.. ;) ) to know if I'm talking codswallop or not. Just seemed
the simple way to me really.....


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