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Re: 802.11 in buildings with lots of walls

  • To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx
  • Subject: Re: 802.11 in buildings with lots of walls
  • From: "graham_howe" <graham@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 17 Jun 2002 09:05:17 -0000
  • Mailing-list: list ukha_d@xxxxxxx; contact ukha_d-owner@xxxxxxx
  • Reply-to: ukha_d@xxxxxxx

--- In ukha_d@y..., Andy Laurence <andy@a...> wrote:
> > I've only tried 802.11 in relatively open environments. I'm
looking to
> > install some form of network in my brother's newly acquired
house, and
> > it is big - 55 metres from one end to the other. Have I got a
hope in
> > hell, or should I get someone to pull CAT5 before it is
> Depends how thick the walls are, and how well you position the
access point. 
> My house is tiny, but with the wireless/wired bridge consisting of
a PCI card
> in the main server, it's lacking power.  With the server located
upstairs in
> the extension, I can't get a signal on the sofa in the lounge which
is less
> than 10 metres away.  The server room is at the top of the stairs,
and the
> lounge is at the bottom at 90 degrees to the stairs.  I can get a
signal at
> the doorway to the lounge, but not in the lounge.  Basically, it
boils down
> to using your noggin when placing the WAP.  I shall be moving mine
to the
> other side of the room when I make the new desk.
> Andy

I can't get more than about 10 meters from mine without losing the
signal, but I suspect that the 2 foot thick walls have something to
do with that. I just put it down to the 17 century architects not
being very forward thinking.

> --
> Building a community network for Bristol
> 4x4 in town - bog brush for your teeth
> NB:  Alternate E-Mail - andylaurence@xxxxxxx

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