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Re: 802.11 in buildings with lots of walls

> I've only tried 802.11 in relatively open environments. I'm looking to
> install some form of network in my brother's newly acquired house, and
> it is big - 55 metres from one end to the other. Have I got a hope in
> hell, or should I get someone to pull CAT5 before it is redecorated?

Depends how thick the walls are, and how well you position the access point. 
My house is tiny, but with the wireless/wired bridge consisting of a PCI card
in the main server, it's lacking power.  With the server located upstairs in
the extension, I can't get a signal on the sofa in the lounge which is less
than 10 metres away.  The server room is at the top of the stairs, and the
lounge is at the bottom at 90 degrees to the stairs.  I can get a signal at
the doorway to the lounge, but not in the lounge.  Basically, it boils down
to using your noggin when placing the WAP.  I shall be moving mine to the
other side of the room when I make the new desk.

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