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RE: TTS and how to do it?

Can you (all) make use of Ian B's "Irrigation" relay board with HV to do the
zone switching ? I don't know enough about the board, or the outputs from
your PC but it may provide a starting point.


Tim H.

-----Original Message-----
From: Ian Lowe

Yep, I am chasing down this route at the moment also! for me the biggest
problem is power on delay...  all of our amps are soft-on to protect the
speakers, so from X-10, on to sound appearing is about six seconds, or two
rings of an inbound call... too long!!

I am also using the PC, and had thought about grouping my zones into a
simple "all-time" and "silent during night-time" set, then using stereo Amps
to drive pairs of zones, so that all of the "night time" zones are on the
left hand side, with the "all the time" zones on the right hand side...

so, software control can change the balance 100% right during the evening..

Perhaps not the most elegant, as I imagine there would be a quiet (but
probably VERY annoying) hisssss from the muted speakers..

-----Original Message-----
From: Kenneth Watt


I'm thinking on TTS to make announcements around the house etc. TBH,
I've been thinking on it for a while but I need some pointers I think.

I will, eventually, have a separate audio system in each room of some
shape and form which will be capable of receiving whole house audio, so
that's not an issue. The is how do achieve voice announcement around the
house, *without* powering up all the systems in the home?

My initial thought was to use just a PC (the server) which is running
anyway 24/7 for HA/security cams/MP3 and various other bits 'n' bobs and
just to use the sound outputted from that. However, I don't know that I
could do that and if, say, I wanted the volume to go down and chop of
certain rooms from receiving announcements at night, how would I do it?

Looking for ideas folks.


...with a fully ON TOPIC post ;)


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