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Re: Email And WebServer

"> 2. Email Server that is completely stand alone collecting email
>from service provider. Is this possible without spending horrendous
ammounts of money?

> > Is this adsl? If so i'd really advise against it. Esp with BT/etc
where there is no SLA. If your lines down, you have at least 24hrs
(at times) before you can complain/etc - and when you're not getting
emails... that sucks."

Yes It is ADSL but supplied by a corporate as part of remote office
solution which they are happy for me to use for light personal
useage :-). I understand they will have a pan european supplier with
an SLA in place

I seem to be having problems with my current POP3 service providers
service being unavailable for quite large ammounts of time, haven't
complained. yet!

> > 3. If possible use standard USB webcams (assuming I use Win2K) and
> > have the images served up on different websites running on the www
> > server

> Checkout teveo for win2k. Thanx!

> Out of interest - why not linux? would be great for
> everything else (except usb cams..) and does offer you lots of
> choice/control.

Have very limited knowledge of NT and non existent knowledge of
Linux, AFAIK Exchange offers really simple access to shared calendars
unlike other alternatives

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