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RE: Demon Email

Hi Chris

Did not want to go that route if I could help it. WOuld prefer to add a
propritory box/software of some sort if possible. I know its a cop out
but I have NO experience of Linux (Please, please no great long flames
over Windows re Linux.).

Many Thanks
Rob Mouser

-----Original Message-----
From: Chris Bond [mailto:chris@xxxxxxx]
Sent: 13 June 2002 13:55
To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx Subject: RE: [ukha_d] Demon Email

A linux box would do the trick easy enuff Redhat 7.3 or anything like
that and just setup sendmail to accept the mail and forward it to the
exchange server.

-----Original Message-----
From: Rob Mouser [mailto:rmouser@xxxxxxx]
Sent: 13 June 2002 1:43 PM
To: Ukha (E-mail)
Subject: [ukha_d] Demon Email


This is a little 'wide' but I feel it is relevant to us HA people. We
have a Demon Web account here and was infact on the verge of setting one
up for home (Fixed IP etc, ISDN, fixed cost etc.....However don't post
on this as its not the subject!) HOWEVER we have just had external email
banned by Demons Abuse Team due to our MS Exchange Server v5.0 (Part of
SBS Ver4.0)beeing venerable to email spammers using relay. I've spoken
to Demon and done some research and it appears that Exchange Ver5.0
cannot be protected against relay attacks! Only Ver5.5 has sufficient
functionality to block relay use.

OK so we cannot upgrade to 5.5 (Various issues with compatibility with
some bespoke software supplied by another company.) (Or in effect SBS
v4.5) at this precise moment and so the only option is to add a firewall
to the network (25 users) anyone got any recommendations that will do
the trick? As long as Demon can telnet in and get refused they will open
us back up.

Yours bemused and confused.........

Many Thanks
Rob Mouser
rmouser@xxxxxxx rob@xxxxxxx

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