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RE: OT SKY DIGIBOX recommendation


I've got a Panasonic TU-DSB30 and am pleased with it. It's now been
discontinued but was supposed to have a higher gain (?) than some of the
others and hence was popular with expats. There's a Grundig box that's
recommended instead now. My parents have an Amstrad DRX100 (I think). The
Panny is _much_ quicker at navigating through the menus etc. even though
both boxes are the same generation (IIRC). I've no experience of other boxes

Again IIRC, my BBC card was free. I phoned them up and requested one, when
it arrived you phone them up and give the operator a couple of serial
numbers etc. As others have said, the card is married to the box, you can
phone up and swap it to another box, but some channels takes ages to "come
back" so you wouldn't want to do it regularly.

"If you just want the BBC channels (and the other free-to-view channels) you
need to call us to get a free satellite viewing card for your set-top box.
The number to call is 0870 243 8000 between 8:30am and 11pm daily."


Tim H.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: paul_watkin
> Have been reading the great sky rip off thread as am about to have
> Sky installed and was thinking of getting the Sony box however I am
> not so sure it's worth it now.
> Can someone recommend which box I should be looking to try and get
> from Mr Installer bloke.
> cheers
> Paul


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