Okay, don't know if mine all classify as HA
purchases exactly....but....
- 36 Inch panasonic TV (1800)
- Denon a1se (1800)
- Denon DVD (700)
- Interconnect cables (200)
- Shuttle SV 24 (400)
- B&W Front speakers + stands
- B&W Ceiling mount speakers
- REL Q150 Sub (500)
- 4 * Rio DDARs (1*130 + 3*100 =
- 1 TX/RX Kat5 (70)
- 600Mhz HA Server (250)
- Cat5 Cable Install + Misc patch, baluns
- QED Speaker cable (50*2.5=125)
- IR Distribution Kit (unused)
- Speaker + spare cat 5 cable
- Misc software (Homeseer) - (70)
- 2 * Pet-sensitive PIRs + psu
- Misc Lamp/App modules plus controllers
- Pronto RU940 + basestation
That's just off the top of my head and as
not all qualifies as HA...Still no wireless stuff yet
Damn! That's over 10