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Re: CAT 5

> On Tuesday 11 June 2002 10:06 pm, Ian Wallace wrote:
> > Can any one tell me the difference between T568A and T568B and which
> > I should be using for a patch panel?
> The only difference is the order of the colours, and as long as you pick
> and stick to it throughout your wiring, it makes no odds which one you
> choose.

The green and orange pairs are transposed between 568A and 568B.  As long as
both ends are wired to the same scheme you shouldn't have any problems.

The problems usually arise when you buy some more CAT5 outlets (either
because you ran loads of CAT5 but could only afford to terminate some of it,
or you had to install some more because you didn't believe a UKHA when
everyone told you to double what you thought was way too much ;) and they
are marked/coded differently.

Mark McCall experienced this (and the not installing enough CAT5 bit :-P) -
we punched down some new Clipsal stuff and it didn't work.  This is where a
LAN tester such as
becomes invaluable to quickly identify things like this.

James H

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  • References:
    • CAT 5
      • From: "Ian Wallace" <ian.wallace@xxxxxxx>
    • Re: CAT 5
      • From: Stuart Grimshaw <stuart@xxxxxxx>
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