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[OT] TiVo Toys

  • To: <ukha_d@xxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [OT] TiVo Toys
  • From: "Don McAllister" <donmc@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 9 Jun 2002 01:47:08 +0100
  • Mailing-list: list ukha_d@xxxxxxx; contact ukha_d-owner@xxxxxxx
  • Reply-to: ukha_d@xxxxxxx

I was just going to post this to the Turbonet bulk buy list only, but in view of the increased uptake of the Tivo due to the Powerhouse deal, I thought I’d share with the rest of the group:


Just to wet your appetites prior to the arrival of the TurboNet cards I’ve now got the following utilities working on my TiVo:


TivoWeb: Brilliant mini web server allowing you to access the program details of programs recorded on the Tivo. Delete recordings and review suggestions via browser. Mount file systems. Control your Tivo via a graphical representation of the Peanut via a browser.


TyTools4: Excellent video extraction utility written by one of our US cousins. Up till a few days ago this didn’t support UK Tivos but the guy has now released a version for UK Tystreams. Allows you to review programs recorded on the Tivo via a PC client and extract the Video and Audio streams to your PC in a single point and click operation. Mind you the muxing of the separate streams into a standard mpeg file is a bit of a pigs ear at the minute requiring various other mpeg utiliies but is achievable and gives surprisingly good results. The TyTools guy is looking at including the muxing into the TyTools app in a future release which will be a godsend.


Merge.tcl: Another invaluable tool only just released. This little beauty allows you to select and tag multiple programs via the standard TiVo interface using the normal Remote and “Save to VCR” the multiple selections in a single operation. Currently, TiVo only allows you to save a single program to VCR at any one time.  I don’t know about you but SWMBO requests loads of programmes eg “The Operation” – don’t ask? but never seems to watch them. I don’t want to go to the effort of video extraction for this type of stuff, I just want it off my Tivo. For example, I can now select 4 separate 1 hour episodes of her favourite progs and dump them to a four hour tape overnight. The script even puts the multiple titles in the Header Screen. SWMBO isn’t bothered about VCR quality (and besides which she’ll probably never watch them) and they can be archived to tidy up my Tivo menus. Hey, when I get a recordable DVD, I’ll just dump them to that J







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