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OT How to make your life easier if you read this group online

  • To: "UKHA Mailing List" <ukha_d@xxxxxxx>
  • Subject: OT How to make your life easier if you read this group online
  • From: "Nick Broughton" <mail@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 6 Jun 2002 22:28:26 +0100
  • Mailing-list: list ukha_d@xxxxxxx; contact ukha_d-owner@xxxxxxx
  • Reply-to: ukha_d@xxxxxxx

I know some of you read the group online and complain about Yahoo!  Well
this was posted recently on another yahoo group which I read.  I can't vouch
for it, I've never tried it.  However it was posted by one of the 'elder
statesmen' of the group, and I have had a quick (very cursory) look at the
web site.

-----Original Message-----

Years ago I stopped receiving msgs via email.  I found it much
easier to just visit the web group and selectively pick which msgs I
wanted to read.

Have you noticed an increase lately in the frequency of those
annoying "Yahoo groups is advertising supported" INTERRUPT msgs?


Year ago I also started using The Proxomitron - what is that? From
their website at:

"Have you ever wished you could turn off some of those fancy new
HTML features your web browser supports? Are you tired of pages
filled to the brim with blinking banners, pop-up windows, and other
such aggravations?

Enter The Proxomitron, Re-Writing the web Your way...

Using special HTML filters, the Proxomitron can transform web pages
on the fly - changing most anything you wish. Speed your browsing by
saying goodbye to slow loading cyber spam and other web-gimmickry.
Customize pages to suit your tastes. Take control of your web
viewing, and don't be slave to some web-master's whims. "

This really does work and its free.
And they have a Yahoo group with a cool config file which removes
the Yahoo Logo, Removes the left side tool bar, bypasses the
interrupt msgs and of course, removed all the ads.

Its easy to use.
Follow all their instructions.
Join their Yahoo group.
Download the file and File/Open that Config file.

Very easy and much more useable Yahoo Groups!!!

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