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Prontoipaq remote

I have an Ipaq 3650 recently returned and repaired after a little
accident. I have replaced it for every day use with a 3870 but I now
am considering using the 3650 as a remote controller.
The PDAWIN software looks ideal with the exception of the usual
range problem. I have seen the threads on the laser CF card but I
was thinking, what about modifying the IPAQ itself and mounting a
couple of high strength ir LEDS in parallel with the output half of
the current IRDA block.
Can somebody who has some electronics knowlege please confirm if
this would work and ideally recommend a suitable LED. I have access
to RS Components and extensive surface mount rework facilities so
the mechanical part of it does not worry me it's just would it work
Help and comments please.
If this works, I will publish the result and who knows maybe even
help others with the conversion.
Thanks in advance

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