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RE: Embedded web server with serial out?


Homevision is one of the devices, and a processor is the other (a Meridian in my case, rather than a TM)_...
I don't suppose you'd care to set up a nice web page with a "dummies guide to using Siteplayer to control..."
Like TM, Meridian is open about the serial command protocol. No Linn secrecy here :-)
-----Original Message-----
From: Kevin Hawkins [mailto:lists@xxxxxxx]
Sent: Wed 05/06/2002 16:40
To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx
Subject: RE: [ukha_d] Embedded web server with serial out?

Mark -
    I am playing with SitePlayers, I got a dev kit and some modules- I think Keith got some too. - Haven't got too far into them yet due to time constraints but my HomeVision embedded web server is based on one (via the serial port) and also I have connected one to my TagMclaren AV setup via the TagLink (serial) interface.
    Certainly if your main aim is to send serial data out via a web interface or UDP then the SitePlayer is ideal - reading data back is very cumbersome though.
    There will (may) be some new firmware for the SitePlayer modules to allow connection of a serial device via telnet - this may be even better for you - however it has been a long time promised - but at $29.95 it will be a very cost effective solution - and they are tiny - and use much less power than the full motherboard solution.
 -----Original Message-----
From: Mark Harrison [mailto:Mark.Harrison@xxxxxxx]
Siteplayer looks possible. Anyone actually using one?

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