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RE: how does raid work

Title: Re: [ukha_d] Tivo's still for £99 !!! It's Wednesd ay and still not late...


With only two drives, you have two options:

1: Mirroring - set up your Operating System so it copies everything onto both as it goes along.

2: Automated copy-over of data - set up a recurring task so it copies your DATA directories over to another drive (maybe in another PC) once a day.

Personally, I do the second....




after a hardrive that nearly cost me all my data over the weekend

i am looking at have a fail safe system (well something close to faile ssafe)

backing up a 60gig is not an option so i looking at getting tow 60gig drives

and replicating one to other. Any help how to acheive this - i have hear raid being mentioned

a few times.


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