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Re: Re: Tivo

> P.S. I did think about buying two, I could certainly find a use for
> two, but I couldn't afford two subscriptions, I assume I would need
> two subs?

Yep, 2 subs..... plus if you were wanting both of them to record tv,
you'd either need one to do your sky box/ cable box and one to do the
terrestrial.... unless you wanted to get 2 sky boxes (and
subscriptions.....!) Do you have a lot of programmes which clash that
aren't repeated?  I have around 100 season passes, and I have only ever
had a couple of problems where things would clash.

> P.P.S. I have a few 40Gb disks lying about, can the Tivo take more
> than one disk at a time or should I just get a bigger single disk?
Yep, it'll take up to 2 standard IDE discs at a time. Its totally up to
you what you decide to do with it.... I'm going to buy a 120 when my
second mounting bracket comes in the ukha_turbonet bulk buy (Oh yeah! If
you have a single drive model... all the newer ones are single drive,
then you'll either need to buy a mounting bracket for a second drive, or
bodge something with zip ties etc.....! If you have an older twin drive
model, you'll have hardware mountings for 2 drives) and use the 120 plus
the 40..... but you could pop in a spare 40, or depending on mountings
etc, just replace it with a bigger one. Loads of details at the forums



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