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Re: TIVO control

> 1. I also have Sky Digital. Does Tivo control the sky box with the IR
> connection or do I still have to use the sky remote to view sky
> programmes. Can I zip up and down the channels as I can do with my sky
> remote (I am referring to the banner at the bottom) Often I like to
> browse this to see what is on another channel whilst still watching
> the current one.

Tivo controls the Sky box. The very best thing to do is let Tivo totally
control Sky and just watch everything through Tivo. I'd recommend
setting season passes for everything you want and not watching live TV
at all... the only thing I watch on live now is Big Brother live stuff
on E4..... most of it is listed in 3 or 4 hour blocks in the guide, but
if I see Tivo is free for 30 mins or something I'll pop onto E4!

If you are watching live tv, the Tivo guide is waaaaaaaay better than
the sky one in my opinion.... it fills the whole screen, but is
transparent, so you can see the programme in the background, and view
loads of channel schedules at the same time.

> 2. Can I record one programme on say BBC 1 and watch sky with the Tivo
> and have the pause, replay etc walking the sky channels. I know I can
> not watch 1 sky channel whilst recording another, but the ability to
> watch BBC1 etc would be great.

Erm....... not sure about that..... I don't have an aeriel so Sky
Digital is my only source...... I'll leave that to someone else! :)


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