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RE: VIOM - Girder - Bathroom Audio WAS RE: (ukha_d) Interactive Demo?

>Yup, that's the puppy. I remember doing that the first time around. - ISTR
>though that I also had to enable the receive timeout option...

Haven't tried that, will have to after the weekend to see if any difference
is made....

>I struggled a little bit as well with states, (just getting my head round
>the concept!), but it's sorted now, - I use a single button as my "input
>select" using state values to modify the action of the button each time
>pressed to run a different multi-group.

Yeah that's what I'm doing, the "source select" switch enables/disables the
groups but also runs the app or playlist at the same time eg:

press button>
.previous app close >
.previous group disabled >
.radio group enabled >
.say plug-in "Radio On" >
.radio app runs>
Press button> etc....

>I'm away now for a few days, so I'm not going to be doing much of anything
>for the next week or so. When I get back I will be wanting to get the
>bathroom media control properly implemented though...

I'd be very interested to see the .gml file that you create..
Er I'll show you mine if you show me yours kind of thing... :)

Have a good hol....


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