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Re: IR - RS232

Now you tell me :o)
You might be better to do this yourself with a microcontroller or Basic Stamp. There is plenty of code out there to do IR reception. I am currently looking at the Milinst one myself for my MP3 player but I may (if I get some spare time with all the other projects) I might do my own Atmel AVR based interface. What is your timescales as I could offer my design but you would need to programme it yourself or get someone else to do it. You can get a C compiler for it for $99 if that helps.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, May 31, 2002 8:27 AM
Subject: RE: [ukha_d] IR - RS232

Thanks for the fast response, BUT, I’ll probably need around 20 (maybe more) different codes plus the output string needs to be programmed and in the format described in the attached word document



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