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RE: UK spec Audiotron Bulk Buy

> Quoting myself....
> "My answer is that no one is forcing anyone to take part in
> any bulk buy and
> it would be very hard to "enforce" any guidelines."

I agree, but that doesn't stop ppl taking umbrage over it!

> > I don't want to upset/offend anyone (not often anyway)
> which is why I
> > suggested either moderators word is law or that there is a
> poll about
> > whether or not my buy continues.
> This is a democracy.

So - a poll then or just forget it - you wanna buy you buy, you don't you

> > One thing's for sure - I shall certainly think twice before
> I consider
> doing
> > a bulk buy again!
> Your prerogative.  But I think you are taking this as an
> attack on you (from
> me?).  It's neither I can assure you.

Mark, I didn't think _you_ were attacking me (we'll leave out the little
tantrum thrown by another group member earlier, since retracted!), but if
doing a bulk discounted buy and having a monetary interest in it is going to
generate either personal attacks, or attacks generally on ppl trying to earn
a crust, then really it is hassle I can do without.  If there is a WELL
DEFINED and WELL KNOWN (not just by the hardcore old timers) way of doing
buys then all concerned will know what is/is not 'allowed' by the group, and
can make a decision on whether or not to participate or even organise such a
As it is, this little controversy has only served to demonstrate that there
is no right and no wrong way to do things, only ways that some ppl heartily
agree with and others vociferously disagree with!

> As a side line - *I* won't be posting any comments on behalf of other
> members again.  If you have an issue with the list please bring it up
> yourself.

Good idea :/


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