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RE: UK spec Audiotron Bulk Buy

> > Can I please have some indication either from the
> moderators that it is
> > deemed acceptable to carry on with this outrageously
> commercial bulk buy,
> or
> > can they put up a poll for people to vote on it.
> > I don't want to end up thrown out of the group for giving
> people what they
> > want - ie cheap audiotrons.
> Hey Tony, don't "shoot the messenger" dude!! :))

sh*t stirrer more like :/

> I posted that message this morning then went out to a
> meeting.  I've just
> got back and it looks like I lit the blue touch paper! :)

That's one way of putting it.  I've only jsut managed to cancel the fatwah
on Mark Harisson that I'd issued :D

> Anyway, glad to see the air is cleared now.

It's not though - some ppl (mainly the ones buying from me I think) seem
okay with what I'm doing, others don't.
Some ppl think we need a formal system of bulk buying, others don't.

I don't want to upset/offend anyone (not often anyway) which is why I
suggested either moderators word is law or that there is a poll about
whether or not my buy continues.

One thing's for sure - I shall certainly think twice before I consider doing
a bulk buy again!


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