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RE: Need legal advice?


If you have not done so, have a look at the Consumer Protection Act (1987 I
think) which is the one very often quoted on watchdog.  It starts off something

      If you sell products or service to consumers from a base in the European 
      Community (EC), then you are obliged to comply with this act.            
      You cannot prepare legal terms and conditions which contravene this act, 
      or try to impose your own rules.                                         
      Most of the terms will be familiar to any normal shop or business trading
      with a consumer in a traditional outlet. However traders new to the web  
      should be aware of the Distance Selling Regulations introduced in 2000.  
      These require a merchant to offer (and confirm in writing) to accept the 
      return of the goods for any reason with 7 days of receipt.               
      You can find out more about the Consumer Protection Act and Distance     
      Selling Regulations from the DTI.                                        
      To understand more about the subject also review the information         
      published by the Consumers Association (Which). They also run the Which  
      Webtrader scheme to appraise and recommend consumer websites - this may  
      be of particular interest to ecommerce sites.                            

The question is (WRT the act and not my opinion), I guess, are you a merchant ?


On a similar-ish note, I am trying to clarify the matter WRT the (possible)
Audiotron buy - as the customer, the warranties may lie with me, (my name on the
invoice) but if the warranty is transferable and I transfer it to the end user,
then the warranty should be between the distributor and the end user.
Either way, there is a warranty with the units, it's just a matter of who you
would return them to if they go faulty (if the buy goes ahead).


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