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RE: Bulk Buy rules WAS A Public Apology

> 1. Bulk buy rules of engagement, based on Mark H's original draft

Would need to look at them again, but presumably this should be open to
disussion to come up with something the majority agree on.

> 2. Standard method of Bulk Buy participant registration and
> tracking through
> one website

Being worked on as we speak.

> 3. A specific 'charity' type bank account for payments made
> to and from
> 4. Volunteers willing to handle the administration of funds,
> separate to the
> bulk buy organizer ie keeping everything open

This starts to get a bit unwieldy maybe, and does end up as a kind of
reseller (legally), albiet at little or no profit.
Also, you then have to trust that the people holding the money aren't going
to debunk with it, what do you do with odd bits left over (put towards the
next buy maybe) etc etc....

> 5. Agreed method of UK delivery etc etc

This too is tricky - eg, the Rios came direct from SB, the Fujitsu's to
Gareth and then onward to the rest of us, the memory to me and then posted
or handed over.   I think shipment is going to have to be handled on an
individual bullk buy basis and what method will work best for it......


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