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Re: Mobile Phones (maybe OT)

Ericsson T68 is pretty good, menus can be a bit slow to scroll and
have had occasional problems abroad with it loosing the network and
failing to find it again (solved by Switching off and removing the
battery, put back together and switch on hey presto, my T28 suffers
the same problem)

Battery life is good, I tend to recharge it every day although this
is with very very heavy usage (my bill tends to be nearing 4 digits
per month even at corporate rates), I had an 8210 at one point which
needed recharging almost constantly after about 6months of abuse.

T68 can also synch with Outlook (haven't tried this yet) via cable or

Go for the T68i if it's available, the software is apprantly better
and supports MMS, also accpets an accessory camera.

Major gripe is no car kit (although that should be solved soon) and
the high cost of the bluetooth headset

If you can hold off for a few months there are going to be a number
of nice new phones on the market in time for Christmas from both
Nokia and Sony Ericsson,  some will include imaging like the P800
with it's built in camera

Don't know much about the 8310 sorry


--- In ukha_d@y..., "Chris Bond" <chris@l...> wrote:
> Ok wasn't sure to post here bout it but here it goes :)
> Im after a new phone, I usually go for Nokia phones cos there really
> nice.  However, this time I quite like the Ericson T68.  Its either
> or the Nokia 8310..... Any comments?
> Also the cheapest I've seen is, any others I should
> looking out for, been to the usually sites carephonewarehouse,
> etc.
> Kind Regards,
> Chris Bond

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