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Re: CE certification

Hi Nik,
You don't have to actually get any testing carried out by a 3rd party. For smaller designs a technical construction file detailing the design is all that is needed. There is plenty of stuff out there on the net to assist you in this quest.
Good luck.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, May 29, 2002 11:30 AM
Subject: [ukha_d] CE certification

Does anyone knows:
If I want to design and start selling some electrical device, when do I need to get CE certification.
I think that proces for obtaining such certification is expensive so, for the cheap things and small series, probably it's not worth taking such route.
However, I would like to know, is there any legal requirement to have such certificate if you want to sell such devices.
I think that someone mentioned that if your device has separate power supply then it doesn't need it.
Anyone to put some light on this issue?

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