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Re: OT IP ADRESSING WAS Re: How important is static IP?

  • To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx
  • Subject: Re: OT IP ADRESSING WAS Re: How important is static IP?
  • From: "Mark Marooth" <MMarooth@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 29 May 2002 11:57:28 +0100
  • Mailing-list: list ukha_d@xxxxxxx; contact ukha_d-owner@xxxxxxx
  • Reply-to: ukha_d@xxxxxxx


SWMBO always gives me a row about the lecky then I threaten to put another box
in to monitor the lecky she uses, goes quiet in the snug !

After running Smoothwall/IPCop for the best part of a year, I've had no problems
to speak about although I get plenty of port scans etc which snort duly tell's
me about.

So,  Web and E-mail on the DMZ (Orange), there is no problem with putting a hub
or switch on this zone and running other boxes but for the most security, put
the switch on the Green zone and use VPN or DMZ pinholes to get to the Orange

I guess you can never have enough security and it all depends on the level you
are comfortable with.  Better to have something and it is not used than to have
nothing ............

I'm not familiar with the Norton product but I'm sure it's as good as anything
else of the same calibre/standard/price etc.

Hope this helps,


                  <paul_watkin@xxxxxxx         >           
                  29/05/2002 11:46     
                  Please respond to    
        To:     ukha_d@xxxxxxx                                       
        cc:     (bcc: Mark Marooth/SCOTIA)                                   
        Subject:     [ukha_d] OT IP ADRESSING WAS Re: How important is static

Thanks Mark,

Not sure my attempt at diagram worked very well!!

The WWW/Email will be attached to the Orange port of the IpCop box, I
don't know if an additional hub or switch can be added to the Orange
port in order to add the Laptops?

The Laptops will have Norton Personal Firewall on them, is this any
good/good enough protection or would it be better to have them behind

Am trying to keep the box count as low as possible as most of this
will be always on (and my elctric bill is bad enough now!!)



--- In ukha_d@y..., "Mark Marooth" <MMarooth@s...> wrote:
> Paul,
> What do you plan to use your IPCop box for, Firewall or just Cache
etc.  I'm not
> up on ADSL as I only have dialup (BT will not uprate my exchange)
but if you are
> using IPCop for Firewall then would it not be better for Laptops to
be behind
> the IPCop box on either a red or orange zone (IPCop speak).  You
can still VPN
> and make use of Pinholes to get to needed ports.  If it is just for
cache etc
>then ignore above.
> Mark
> --------+-------------------------------->
>                   "paul_watkin"        
>                   <paul_watkin@xxxxxxx >         >           
>                   29/05/2002 10:45     
>                   Please respond to    
>                   ukha_d               
> --------+-------------------------------->
>   >-----------------------------------------------------------------

>         To:     ukha_d@xxxxxxx
>         cc:     (bcc: Mark
>         Subject:     [ukha_d] OT IP ADRESSING WAS Re: How
important is static
>   >-----------------------------------------------------------------
> I have been following this discussion with great interest as I am
> about to sign on the dotted line for the Eclipse Package.
> the computer setup I envisage is as follows
> DSL Line -----> Vigor2600 -----> IpCop --------> WWW & Email Server

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¦           ¦--------> Network Switch
>                       ¦                           ¦-----> NT4
>                       ¦                           ¦----->PC1
>                       ¦                           ¦----->PC2
>                       ¦                           ¦----->Fuji
>                       ¦                           ¦----->HAServ
>                       ¦-----> Laptop1 (Work VPN)
>                       ¦-----> Laptop2 (Work (VPN2)
> So not being particularly up to speed on all this, how many IP
> addresses do I want (or need), I am assuming the
> Vigor/WWW&Email/laptop1/Laptop2 will all be assigned individual IP
> addresses as supplied by eclipse.
> I am looking for the simplest and most robust way to get this litle
> lot up and running (I travel alot so must be robust otherwise no
> SWMBO approval and no funds for more gadgets!!!)
> What other gadgets am i likely to need/want an external IP Address
> for??
> Currently the NT server and other PC's use Static private IP
> addresses (if this makes any difference??)
> Does the Vigor offer enough security on its own or do I actually
> IpCop as well??
> Many thanks
> Paul.
> P.S. Anyone got an idiots guide to setting this stuff up or a good
> book recommendation?
> For more information:
> Post message: ukha_d@y...
> Subscribe:  ukha_d-subscribe@y...
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