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Re: How important is static IP?

> As previously mentioned, just about the only thing I can't get it to do is
> to host a provate domain. - It's usually tied to the namespace that the
> DDNS provider owns, so for instance, DynDNS,org have about 20 domain trees
> that you can choose to be under, hence I have, but I
> can't have which I also own (but am about to allow to
> lapse...)

Why not?  I have an address from, and also have
on the same box.

> a couple of small points to bear in mind:
> 1: - you *CAN* have an SMTP feed to a dynamic IP address - I have one
> working perfectly, - mail to paul@xxxxxxx to see it in
> action... :-)

Same here ... andy@xxxxxxx ... I'm still sorting DNS, so it's not
perfect ;-)

> 2: - you do *NOT* _need_ an MX record at all to receive mail, - you only
> need an MX record if your SMTP listening server is on a different IP
> address to that which your DNS "A" record resolves... - Do an NSLOOKUP on
>, you will see it resolves to - as my SMTP
> mail server is listening to port 25 on that IP, I do NOT have (or need) an
> MX record configured.

Interesting ... I'll have to try that....


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