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RE: I got a TIVO over the weekend


I have got this new tivo and to get proper approval it is going to need
to function without fail while we are away on holiday for 2 weeks.

Here are my planned steps to help the cause.

X-10 appliance on SKY dig box and turn off and on at about 4am

Can I just get the pronto to send the sky button every 10 min to ensure
that Sky is always on?

-----Original Message-----
From: Mark McCall [mailto:mark@xxxxxxx]
Sent: 27 May 2002 14:46
To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx Subject: Re: [ukha_d] I got a TIVO over the weekend

> Stop messin' about you and get some big drives in that thing ;-)

I have so much "stuff" on it to watch with just the 40 gig.  If I put a
120 or a 160 (will it take a 160 OK?) I'm worried I'll just hoard stuff.
The way it is now I have to watch before it's deleted :)

I remember reading somewhere about the box slowing down with big drives.
Is this true?


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