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RE: (OT Ish) Switching 1 light off with 3 switches.

I've got a great colour diagram in a book at home, I'll try to remember to
bring it tomorrow & scan.

You need "3-core + earth" cable looped between each switch. Two of the
switches can be normal 2-way, but the intermediate switch is a "special":
double-pole changeover IIRC.

The alternative that I'm looking at are these: (I posted this to the
UK_Selfbuild Y*hoo forum recently). I haven't bought / fitted them yet, but
will let you all know how I get on. They use the same cabling as 2 & 3-way
switches but the individual units are wired differently.


Tim H.


Following up on my own message, I've now found these items. They're
available from TLC at good prices. I'm checking direct with Varilight as to
what I need to buy for my particular situation but they appear ideal.

They're basically a one-way dimmer (i.e. "master") capable of being operated
by any number of remote units ("slaves") and well as remote control units.
So you're not limited to 3-way switching, it becomes multi-way. The cable
requirements are the same as for conventional 2 & 3-way switching but the
connections to each switch are different. They are IR operable and include a
learning function and will do regular one-way switching too. There's no X10
interface as far as I can tell but that's no big deal for me.

Hope you find the links useful.



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-----Original Message-----
From: BUTLER, Tony, 


This is exactly what I have.  IIRC, it's a normal 2 way just inside the
front door, a normal 2 way at the top of the stairs, but an 'intermediate'
switch at the other end of the hall.
How they are actually wired I can't say, but there's bound to be a site out
there with a suitable diagram on it!


-----Original Message-----
From: Frost Neil [mailto:Neil.Frost@xxxxxxx]
Sent: 27 May 2002 09:39
To: HomeAutoGroup (ukha_d@xxxxxxx)
Subject: [ukha_d] (OT Ish) Switching 1 light off with 3 switches.

I need to add a third light switch for my hall lights....

1 landing light switch
1 Hall light switch
1 Other side of hall light switch

Can this be done using normal 2 way light switches if so how? or do I need
another type of switch.

Any help gratefully received

Many Thanks


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