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Re: Clipsal C-bus

Hi Rob
        Sorry to hear your having troubl= e with Clispsal stuff, why dont you
send their head office an email  im sure they wouldnt be too impressed= .
Although  if you have ordered those new switches you could be for a de= lay .
Maybe you should also consider getting the sparkies to wire some  form= of
control box so that you can operate them manually if for some reason comfor= t
or c/bus goes down and use this setup until stuff arrives .(should take som= e
of my own advice as all my lites are controlled by  my Genesis alarm system).

Frank Mc
----- Original Message -----
From: "Rob Mouser" <rmouser@xxxxxxx>
To: "Ukha (E-mail)" <ukha_d@xxxxxxx>
Sent: Thursday, July 18, 2002 1:47 AM
Subject: [ukha_d] Clipsal C-bus

Someone out there is close to the c-bus stuff I seem to remember, was it Mark McCall?

I've had it on order for three weeks now from Comfort with no confirmed
delivery date. Its getting a real pain because I cant get on with the
house etc. Electricians have now left site leaving a pile of wires. I
currently can only turn on my downstairs lights on by going upstairs to
node zero and manually switching on all 12 circuits via a temporary

This is home automation in a new way:
I've got the whole bloody downstairs lighting scheme on the ultimate HA

Option 1: Turn on all 42 lighting points at once with one switch! Oh yes and I can also set the dim level to 100%
Option 2: Turn all the buggers off in one go!

(((Rumours are that I can be seen from outerspace on a clear night, a
gentle glow from Dartmoor!)))

Perhaps I should ditch Comfort and C-bus and go back to plan 'A' which
was QED Systemline and Polaron (These two integrate in the same way)

the most annoying thing is that I've got =A31000 worth of Comfort kit
which if I cant integrate with my lighting is bugger all use to me.

Anyone got any SENSIBLE suggestions. Mark do you have some insider
knowledge? Is supply always going to be an issue because I will need
more kit in the future.

Many Thanks
Rob Mouser
rmouser@xxxxxxx rob@xxxxxxx

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