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X10 & DDAR - Update

Some of you may remember a while back that I said I had a problem with
X10 and one small corner of the house, if so this may interest you or if
you have had a problem getting X10 to a particular area.

The DDAR was at one side of the dining room, the X10 "dead-zone" was at
the other side of the same room. The DAR was on an X10 filter after I
couldn't get an X10 command over half the house shortly after installing
the thing.

Now, I sold the DDAR's and the "dead-zone" has disappeared!

Interestingly the other DDAR was in the AV room with no filter at all on
it and X10 in there worked fine and, trust me, there is a hell of a lot
of X10 modules in there!

So what does this prove? Dunno, X10 is weird!? ;)


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