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Re: Bluetooth headsets? (Ken?)

Keyvan Rahimian wrote:

> Just want to be clear about this...
> So you mean that you can not tap a tel number on your ipaq while
> wearing the headset (with the phone in your pocket) and have it dial
> the no. and get to talk via the headset ???
> If no ...Then what is the point!!! - just to use the phone with BT as
> a cell modem? If that is the case I should look at the O2 XDA (pocket
> pc + cell phone). But what a gip.....

Just double checked to make sure I was right, found a thread about it
over at Esato:-

>from access, but 1.0 only supports point to point..... don't know if this
will be changeable by a software upgrade at some point or if its an
actual hardware change.... :S

Also while browsing over at Esato, I found out that the new Nokia 7650
supports BT but does not implement a headset profle, which means you
can't use it with a BT headset....!!!!

As for connecting BT to a PC, you apparently need to make sure the BT
adapter you get for the PC supports headset profile.... someone had this
about adapters they had:-

DTL-1 (PCMCIA, Nokia):
Suported features:
Packet types: 3-slots, 5-slots
Radio features: none
Policy: switch, sniff mode,
Encryption: supported
Clock modes: slot offset, timing accuracy
Audio: *not supported*
Power Control: not supported

3Com USB:
Suported features:
Packet types: 3-slots, 5-slots
Radio features: RSSI, Channel quality driven data rate
Policy: switch, hold mode, sniff mode, park mode
Encryption: supported
Clock modes: slot offset, timing accuracy
Audio: *SCO link, HV2, HV3, u-Law log, a-Law log, CVSD, *
Power Control: supported

This gets way to confusing and incompatible.....!

I think I'm gonna wait another wee while before investing in anything
BT.... :S

Oh yeah, the XDA thing doesn't have BT at all, so unless you buy an SD
BT card, you can't use a BT headset with it......!


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