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Fw: Has ANYONE got the Comfort <> Homeseer plug in working ?

  • To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx
  • Subject: Fw: Has ANYONE got the Comfort <> Homeseer plug in working ?
  • From: "Gareth Cook/UK/IBM" <gcook@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 11 Jul 2002 20:25:32 +0100
  • Mailing-list: list ukha_d@xxxxxxx; contact ukha_d-owner@xxxxxxx
  • Reply-to: ukha_d@xxxxxxx

Luddite? Not sure about that one. I design and architect IT solutions for a job, and at a very technical level.

But Comfort does take the piss quite frankly. It's been in for a year and a half, and I get plenty of false arms (not alarms). Could be a programming issue, but then I did get a full refund from HouseHold Automation for the nightmare I had with them. I paid £0 for any of their time and effort because of the mess. Im not doubting that Comfort can be very bloody good. My install is not, and fixing it myself ? I just dont have the time to sort it really. I tried to get a professional in , but they couldnt get it working ! As a product Im sure it's great. As a solution ? Not convinced there, and thats the arena I deal with.

The TiVo thing isnt a technical issue - it's a usability thing. I have my GameCube passed through RGB to it, which then goes to a SVideo converter, via the amp, then onwards. But it's nowhere near as nice to use as Sky+ for the basics. The intelleigence features are nice, but im happy with a series link and thats about it.

I have a spare TiVo - unopened box. Never been used (obviously). If anyone wants one....

Most of the HA stuff this group talks about is not Dixons level solutions - but that's what it needs ! I want the features, but I do not want to spend my whole life fekking about ttrying to get things working. I want maximum time to muck about with the wife-to-be. My job is Early Deployment - ie building solutions. I just dont want to do that at home as well !

Gareth Cook
Senior Engineering Specialist

Lotus Park, Staines, TW18 3AG
Office:  +44 (0) 1784 445 166
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Work: g@xxxxxxx
AIM Chat : TheBoyG
MSN Chat : chat@xxxxxxx

----- Forwarded by Gareth Cook/UK/IBM on 11/07/2002 20:28 -----
Main Topic

"Mark McCall" <mark@xxxxxxx>
Today 20:14
RE: [ukha_d] Has ANYONE got the Comfort <> Homeseer plug in working ?

 >  flexible - yes. intuitave and easy to configure no.  

But now 100% improved with Comfigurator software.  Have you tried it?

>  reliable - well, you can leaveTHAT train of thought behind. i dont
trust mine as far as i could throw the
> 12v battery at it. am i sure it's always armed ? nope.

Hmmmm..I have to strongly disagree with you there. I like open debate
here, but I hate sweeping generalisation.  My system has been in for 3
years now and has been totally faultless.  It's super stable and
reliable.  I *once* had a false alarm in those 3 years - and it turned
out not to be false, but a silver helium baloon moving across my
daughters bedroom.

Comfort and TiVo are now two devices you have expressed extreme negative
opinions about.  Are you sure you're not just a ludite?  :)


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