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RE: Streaming Video Over A LAN

Hi Andy,

Its on MS at the moment because I am an applications developer working on
ASP/SQL/Access all the time. There is no reason why it cant be created as
PHP/mSQL JSP/mySQL etc other than I have done it in what I know.

It would probably run as is under ChillisoftASP on an Apache server,
(possibly with some slight changes).

It uses IE/MediaPlayer because they work extremely well together. I
personally dont like Netscape and have done little with Opera. As I said, it
was developed to suit MY needs in an application. It does work in Netscape
but suffers from the way Netscape interprets Tables and Stylesheets
differently to IE.

One thing I forgot to mention is that for identicle recordings on different
CD's there is only ever one MP3 file, for different versions of the same
song there will be multiple entries and MP3's eg

Original 7" Mix
12" Extended Mix
12" (didnt get it right the first time)Remix
12" (We havent sold enough yet so lets rip off the public again) Remix
Live at some unheard of venue mix.


-----Original Message-----
From: Andy Laurence [mailto:andy@xxxxxxx]
Sent: 11 July 2002 11:05
To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx Subject: Re: [ukha_d] Streaming Video Over A LAN

> Its my own web based application
> using ASP and Access.

OK, so it's MS limited for the server.

> Media player is used for playback.

Is this essential, or can any player be used?

> There have been several discussions
> about it in the past. Its not easy for it to be made available for
> download as the database required a fair bit on manual input to ensure
> good data.

OK, could be problematic with about 13GB of MP3s to sort, ATM.

> It doesnt use MP3 tags because.....
> a. I didnt know about them when I first started development
> b. the data inside them contains a great deal of crap.

Yes, most of the ID3 tags I have are utter rubbish.  I really must get
round to sorting them.  Can anyone recommend a good (free) tool?

> For a collection that starts small and you develop over time the data
> entry is no real problem. An artist or title only ever need to be
> entered once, after that they are picked from a list.

That's cool, as it saves disk space.  Does it cope with remixes, and
various different versions?

> It supports unlimited playlists and will self randomise. It can be
> played from any PC with Internet Explorer and Media Player which covers
> ALL my PC's.

It requires IE too?  Will it not work on other browsers?

> Once I get a new ASP hosting service sorted out I will have a demo of
> the database/frontend live on the web but obviously no MP3's for it to
> play.


> It also supports DiVx, AVI and MPG files so can be used as a video
> jukebox.

That'd be a big plus for me, as I'm happy with snowcrash/winamp, I just
like your software better ;-)

> The search facilities are extremely powerful but that only comes from
> careful data entry. It doesnt suit everyone who has seen it although the
> main gripe is the lack of support for MP3 tags. The power of my search
> comes from sroting the Artist as several fields whereas in an MP3 tag is
> is a single field eg

I see.  It sounds like the perfect software!

> Hope that explains a little :-)

That's great, cheers.

Building a community network for Bristol - updated 03/07
4x4 in town - bog brush for your teeth
NB: Alternate E-Mail - andylaurence at yahoo dot co dot uk

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