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Re: Streaming Video Over A LAN

> > > Its my own web based application
> > > using ASP and Access.
> >
> > OK, so it's MS limited for the server.
> Not necessarily.  ChilliASP and other such products are available for
> *nix servers and if keith is using ODBC/OLEDB to access the database
> then you (in theory) can change the back end without _too_ much
> hassle......

...yeah right ;-)

> > > Media player is used for playback.
> >
> > Is this essential, or can any player be used?
> Probably not.  If web based then any player with a suitable decoder
> should be okay AFAIK

That's what I'd have thought.  I can't see areason it would be nescessary
to use IE/media player, unless the audio/video is embedded in the web page.

> Keith - you could just bing it out there for download on the
> understanding that ppl use it at their own risk & if it doesn't do
> they want, how they want, they can get stuffed coz you're too busy
> working on the KAT5 switcher to start customising the software for ppl

I'd certainly be interested.  You could post it somewhere without contact
details if you're worried about people hassling you.  I'm sure we have
enough collective knowledge on this list to help stuck people.  Dare I say
a new group ;-)

Andy (should be busy on other projects)
Building a community network for Bristol
- updated 03/07
4x4 in town - bog brush for your teeth
NB: Alternate E-Mail - andylaurence at yahoo dot co dot uk

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