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Re: Streaming Video Over A LAN

> Its my own web based application
> using ASP and Access.

OK, so it's MS limited for the server.

> Media player is used for playback.

Is this essential, or can any player be used?

> There have been several discussions
> about it in the past. Its not easy for it to be made available for
> download as the database required a fair bit on manual input to ensure
> good data.

OK, could be problematic with about 13GB of MP3s to sort, ATM.

> It doesnt use MP3 tags because.....
> a. I didnt know about them when I first started development
> b. the data inside them contains a great deal of crap.

Yes, most of the ID3 tags I have are utter rubbish.  I really must get
round to sorting them.  Can anyone recommend a good (free) tool?

> For a collection that starts small and you develop over time the data
> entry is no real problem. An artist or title only ever need to be
> entered once, after that they are picked from a list.

That's cool, as it saves disk space.  Does it cope with remixes, and
various different versions?

> It supports unlimited playlists and will self randomise. It can be
> played from any PC with Internet Explorer and Media Player which
> ALL my PC's.

It requires IE too?  Will it not work on other browsers?

> Once I get a new ASP hosting service sorted out I will have a demo of
> the database/frontend live on the web but obviously no MP3's for it to
> play.


> It also supports DiVx, AVI and MPG files so can be used as a video
> jukebox.

That'd be a big plus for me, as I'm happy with snowcrash/winamp, I just
like your software better ;-)

> The search facilities are extremely powerful but that only comes from
> careful data entry. It doesnt suit everyone who has seen it although
> main gripe is the lack of support for MP3 tags. The power of my search
> comes from sroting the Artist as several fields whereas in an MP3 tag
> is a single field eg

I see.  It sounds like the perfect software!

> Hope that explains a little :-)

That's great, cheers.

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