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Fujitsu 510's

  • To: "Ukha (E-mail)" <ukha_d@xxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Fujitsu 510's
  • From: "Rob Mouser" <rmouser@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 11 Jul 2002 08:49:31 +0100
  • Mailing-list: list ukha_d@xxxxxxx; contact ukha_d-owner@xxxxxxx
  • Reply-to: ukha_d@xxxxxxx

Hi All

Thanks to Li I now have a couple of 510's to play with. To be honest I'm
a bit disappointed with screen clarity and brightness but guess I've
been too used to TFT lappy's :-( and at that price what am I complaining

Well my question is......

My screens (Like most others) are a bit scuffed through previous usage.
I can most definitely get those scuffs out with a product/technique we
use here at work (The Plastic Surgeon) but is that front screen the
resistive touch part or just a protective cover? If its the resistive
part does any one know how its made up? i.e. is the 'resistive' bit at
the back?

P.S. I can also get the cases looking like new and get rid of that
looovely security sticker.

If I can ensure a successful clean and repair I will make the products
and technique available to all on this list in a mini-bulk buy.

On a final point. I think I may be able to manufacture low quantities of
the stylus. Does any one have an original they would be prepared to let
me make a mould from? OR has a source of these little sticks been found?

Oh yes one last thing. What operating systems run best on them, does
2000 work OK?

Many Thanks
Rob Mouser
rmouser@xxxxxxx rob@xxxxxxx

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