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RE: Shuttle & via epia... now firewalls

Andy wrote:

!!! ITYF it was something along the lines of....

!!! Internet > firewall > web server > firewall > back end server > firewall > LAN

Yup! That's the way to do it in a simple commercial web site. (See below

However, a bit over the top for even my home LAN :-)

My home LAN is protected by a single firewall. I would not, under any circumstances, store data on that firewall. Not because I am worried about that data being lost if the firewall were compromised, but because the act of enabling "data sharing" irrevocably compromised the firewall.

"data sharing" means, among other things, web servers, Microsoft File Sharing, NFS...

I said "simple"... for reference, here's medium-complex. There's a separate switch between each tier. Each firewall should be different if possible...

- ISP's Intrusion Detection System

- Port filtering switch

- Firewall A (pair) (eg Cisco PIX)

- Firewall B (pair) (eg Nokia)

- Load-balancer (eg Alterian)
- Web heads (eg Linux)

- Firewall C (eg Sun)

- Application servers (normally internally load-balanced these days) (eg Sun)

- Firewall D (probably Sun again)

- Database _cluster_ (eg Sun / Veritas)

- Firewall E (eg Cisco PIX again)

- Private WAN

- Corporate Network



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