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RE: Shuttle & via epia... now firewalls

> This is a different issue about what is considered good practise etc WTR
> firewalls and network security.
> IIRC, the 'preferred' method involved something like 3 pc's to make your
> network as secure as possible (I can check this later if I can find the
> relevant book) which is fine for a corporate network with shed loads of
> sensitive data.
> If I used a PC as firewall and media server & someone manages to copy all
> the media off said server well, it's not the end of the world is it?
> I have the CD's, I may even have a backup - I can recreate the media server
> element of it.
> I wouldn't put my business/personal documents on there no, but I don't see
> music (albiet 1000's of files) being a major issue if someone gets hold of
> it - other than to blackmail me over some of my dodgy early musical tastes

Agreed, but IF your firewall is compromised, this will probably give
access to ALL the machine within the network it protects. Also, you
should consider the implications of your compormised firewall then being
used to do "harm" to more sensitive systems. If you've ever had a
machine root compromised you know all about it. If you've not had a
machine root compromised keep your fingers crossed and hope that you
don't. It only takes a crafty lawyer for a big corprate to decide that
you running "software x" on your firewall machine is actually neglence
and thats it.

Please consider a firewall as exactly that and nothing more........


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