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Re: Dixons ITVdigiboxes

Stuart Booth (Stuart Booth) wrote:
> Oh, I obviously hadn't read those enough in detail. I had thought they
> were for Pace boxes. I haven't seen this 'red dot' thingy I've read
> about so as far as I'm aware I didn't think I needed this.

You're lucky!

Watch any Sky One primetime show (eg Simpsons) and there's the silly red
dot in the top right hand corner.... even worse is the Big Brother red
dot and text on E4 programming...... You can press the "backup" button
on the Sky remote to make it go away, but its back at the next advert
break :(

If only they'd give us an option to permanently switch it off in the
setup menus.

The MemoZap (which I have) sends a Sky button press and then a Backup
button press at regular intervals to make sure your box is switched on,
and to make the dot go away.

Can you tell stupid DOGs and even stupider "interactive features
available" icons are one of my pet peeves...?

*rolls eyes*


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