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Re: Replace dimmer on mains halogen?

stuart_cummings wrote:

> I have a mains halogen lamp with a foot operated sliding dimmer. Am I
> right in assuming I can simply remove that dimmer and wire straight
> to the plug, then into a plug-in lamp module. No point in having two
> dimmers right, especially as the slider is a bit flakey and buzzes.
> This is what I plan to do anyway, unless someone shouts "stop you're
> going to blow yourself up".

I had exactly the same sort of foot operated thing.... one of the
connections in the dimmer broke when I moved the lamp, so was opening it
up anyway. Initially I noticed the foot switch had an in and out live
and neutral, so I just connected the pairs to the same terminal in the
dimmer switch so it was wired straight through (and the dimmer switch
covered the wires) and connected it to a lamp module.

After Ken's advice, I completely replaced the dimmer bit with the LD11,
very easy to wire in this scenario. You could put it in a box (I know
Ken did that with his) but I just left mine out since its behind the TV
and nooone will be near it...... I might put it in a box if I see a
suitable one somewhere.....!


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