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RE: newbie cable issues + no brainer questions

Oops, I nearly forgot:


What tools do I need to:


Chase out the cable runs in the wall (all of them brick, but about half inch plaster) an ‘sds something or other’ was mentioned to me. And a ‘box cutter’ (to mount the boxes with the switch / IR rx’s / cat 5 points)





-----Original Message-----
From: TAWN Jonathan
Sent: 09 July 2002 19:24
To: 'ukha_d@xxxxxxx'
Subject: RE: [ukha_d] newbie cable issues + no brainer questions



I have a couple of questions, but I think I'll tell you lot what I want to
have, and I'm sure you can come back to me with what I need .. (is need the
correct word??!!)

The CAT5 wiring thing all in hand, I'm quite happy about doing all that..

I want to be able to dim the lights (some of those flush mount ones, like
most people have - but as I've got to buy everything yet....uurgh) I want to
be able to dim them using my PC (put IR on the pc, and use a pronto or some
other such device).
Also having them controlled by misterhouse  - to come on at pre-set times.
And go off likewise.
I'd like to be able to have the (when I fit the new kitchen) electric oven
to be on a timer - controlled via the pc - is this possible? (high current)
And I want to have all of my AV stuff in 'node0' (with all the other junk..
sorry... pc + rack) - would the 'kat5' device be the most likely option?
What type of cable do I need ? (I'm more than likely going to have the house
re-wired including new consumer unit and whatever else it needs...)

How much does a re-wire cost ? (it's a 3 bed terrace (2 room's and a box
room...(box room  = node 0) I was told it would be around a grand ?

None of this will happen for around 6 months, I've got to save up as you can

Any help / advice on this sort of thing most appreciated.



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