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RE: High-WAF features....

Have you been talking with my missus ??
The "place *we* never thought we'd put the TV" is not in any of the corners (i.e. _not_ where all the new cabling is), and instead will be opposite the fireplace on a long internal wall. It would appear that my SWMBO is more with-it than I am  :D
Still LOL-ing,
Tim H.
-----Original Message-----
From: Timothy Morris  

That one made me smile.


Will architects ever get with the program and stop putting TV points in the corner?


That was fine years ago, but now we have flat panel TVs (at prices which are starting to compare with CRTs now – ask Graham J), and surround sound, tallies just don’t work in the corner any more. I had to persuade the architect who put the plans together for my place to leave out a window on one wall because that was where I wanted to put the plasma.


The thing that makes me laugh, is that before she started to draw the plans she came to visit me, and as the few members of the group that have been here will attest the “telly” does dominate the room somewhat. Even Mark “I don’t really watch telly” Harrison, was doing some back-of-fag-packet calculations which included a wall bracket, second hand Sky box and a FTA BBC card J




-----Original Message-----
From: Hawes,Timothy Edward (GEG)


High WAF items:
1. Wiring for whole house audio with all cabling hidden
2. Hiding hifi gear at node zero

Neutral WAF:
1. Relocating "tv point" to new lounge corner

Low WAF: (completely negates all of the above)
1. Not wiring a "tv point" to a place "we" never thought we'd put the TV,
and can't be cabled from anywhere else. Hence the reason I'm hiring a wall
chaser (again) this weekend.

That's about all I've got cabled at the moment. More as it happens . . .

Tim H.

-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Harrison

Ooh - she came up with 2 more just after I hit "send".

1: Got rid of cables that ran all round the room for surround sound
2: babycam

Both are, of course, KAT5 implementations.

-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Harrison

Dear all,
For those of you not on the UKHA_Meeting group, it looks like the 2003
meeting may well be an all-weekend event to which SWMBOs are invited.
Keith Doxey has suggested that there are two possible outcomes to an SWMBO
1. They discuss all the disasters and massive credit card bill we all get
resulting in us being banned.

2. Each SWMBO say how cool <insert High WAF HA feature> is and they think "I
must get him to do that as well" resulting in us being encouraged to extend
our systems.

In order to make "2" happen, we have about 10 months to implement a large
number of high-WAF features in our systems... which means we need to start
pooling ideas now :-)

So, what are your high-WAF features?

My starter for ten, based on Mrs. H's comments are:

- Rio Receiver in her study
- She can control the lights from beside her bed
- Garden lights come on automatically when it gets close to dark
- Pronto was better than all the separates
- (When on maternity leave), liked to be able to read her discussions groups
in bed

Any others?



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